Monday, November 9, 2009


(Photo courtesy National museum , New Delhi)
Any of you remember this currency, it was almost like age of innocence passing away when these faded away from memories, by the time were kindergarten kids most of these were only meant for leper- beggars sitting near Ghantaghar behind post office on the alley which came from Chukhu wala through kumhar mandi.

After this was era of Dassi which still fetched sticky sugar lollies till we were taking rides from city bus stand to school at RTO with bus passes made zillions of years back and conductor too in know of things.
Chavvni was a prized gift given by my Nani whenever we came back from summer vacations in Belonwala.

Attahni is not accepted any more by anyone, time is on when one rupee/two rupee coins are almost passé, our innocence was benchmarked to chavvni-attani , gen next will see fading away of INR 10 coin and will vouch for the era.