Thursday, February 26, 2009

बीस साल पहले !!

(Open ground behind Guru Nank centenary school, Mussorie)
The trip made to KEMPTY FALLS some 20 years ago to be precise 1988 after the board exams was start of coming of age.
We planned to go walking down to KEMPTY another of bright idea of Mr Sharma but being a born adventurer I was a game… not so was Rajeev Garg, vaguely I remember we took a right turn from Guru Nanak centenary school and clearly I recall after much walking we did reach a thick pine jungle ….behold!!! down the..and down as only can be a steep kilometer thickly forested long wall was the grand WATER FALL we could hear merry shouting of tourists, could not muster the courage to slither down this steep mud fall..although I was still a game but I was in minority, Mr Sharma too chickened out.
Ultimately we had to walk back again to main road and than take down hill road to KEMPTY, we did reach it enjoyed ourselves thoroughly but by the time evening was on our legs were swollen with fatigue and had to cajole a tourist bus operator to take us back to Mussorie.. and we had to pay fare ‘to & fro’.


Alok J said...

Unbelievable !! Are you sure this is Mayank? There is not close resemblance. Somehow I dont have much memories of him from those days. And I remember you ,much healthier. Relatively, I guess, you were.

Drawat said...

Yes Mayank was'nt in your loop those days, it was me who introduced you to mendi and pintoo.

I gained wt during so called 'prepration' days.