The Movie ‘Motorcycle diaries’, journey of friends Alberto & Ernesto across the American continent starting from Buenos aires- Argentina on their motorbike affectionately called ‘Mighty one’ through Andes into Peru via Chile where they see natives ousted from there ancestral lands by greedy mining corporations, in Peru they encounter proud bearers of INCA traditions still and that strikes something within Ernesto, their three months stint in a leper colony within green forests gives that humanist edge to churning mind of Ernesto, the Mighty AMAZON river acts a metaphor for divide between healthy and unhealthy of this world which Ernesto crosses over by sheer physical effort.
Over all a greatly shot movies , just saw it on ZEE MGM morning show..beautiful south American locales(Mayank would recall his Peru journey…where that thick blanket like jacket which you bought from Lima is?), its like Budhha achieving enlightenment , Che transits into the revolutionary leader immediately after this and fights shoulder to shoulder with Castro for Cuban revolution and than moves over to Bolivia, his death a conspiracy was jolt to South America .
Long live Che....Long live Subhash...Long live Savarkar....Long live Mahatama .
Can u elaborate on Subhash and Savarkar for 5th grader? Inspiring entry. At the time I watched this movie a few years ago, there were 2 movies from South America I kept hearing about. The other one is City of God. I sat with goosebumps throughout the movie. The slum violence so well depicted. Highly recommended if you havent seen it yet.
Hi Alok - yes, this was a great movie. Inspires you to take a trip around South America!
Netaji needs no intro.as popular as Mahatama in India.
Veer Savarkar was again a nationalist with more religious agenda.
So, Ravi, is that your next destination after your historic India trip :) I have to confess I lived in India for 26 years but have never travelled that much within. Way to go!
yes it's the same movie Dinesh..
talking of Peruvians.
One commonality i observed is that their designs ..squarish type.. are quite similar to Tibetan.
So people from Asia crossing the Bearing Straits may be true and they have high cheek bones like tibetans a walk in Peru is similar to a walk in Clement town tibetan Colony .
Two Places we frquently touched were the Copper Ore belt ..A place called Pisco with a drink of same name where my fifty year old third engineer and me had Pisco drink with a Girl who liked South Indian Dance she even used to move her neck like a South Indian Dancer after few pegs...
The other place was called Matarani..
and you could really find lot of images in copper sheets of some deity . earlier i thought this must be the Matarani.
You might have observed it in our Doon drawing room.
But tell me did you bring this in for the snob value or you really appreciate the guy.....
You never seemed to follow any of this.
I follow many a things which you might have rare idea about.
i appreciate not as blind follower.
rare Idea gives me ideas..
Wonder what happened to the things you followed..
Those 'Things' better beware.
you seem to be offended.
cannot afford to get offended, already very few friends.
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