Friday, August 29, 2008

Kids' birthday bash: End of Day -2

Very hectic day....not just because of birthday preparations but otherwise, too. The last few days, I have been so obsessed with the blog that I was not focussing on work as much as I should have. So, the pressure built up, and this morning I decided to finish off the blog work in the morning itself. Luckily (really!), I got up early and couldnt go back to sleep.

Did it take my mind off the blog, not really. Well, to some extent, I would say. I continued visiting the blog, even though I knew there won't be any updates. Ajay is away sailing and still has to join the blog, and Dinesh & Mayank were tucked away in their beds. Eventually, I was able to focus in the afternoon and finished off a major chunk of work. It felt good, I tell you.
Left the office at 5ish and headed straight to sports shop. The first item I bought was a volleyball. This has been a hit in the past 2 parties, so I am continuing the tradition. I also bought a tennis hopper. This is a tennis ball cage that can hold 75 balls together and if you turn legs upside down can also be used to pickup the balls. This year has been good (not great) for tennis. We played as much as the time allowed, but we picked up form, unlike last year. We are serving better, and forehand is getting some amount of topspin. Let's not even talk about the backhand. So even though the season is almost over, we decided to buy this to make it a little easier on our backs (picking tha balls).

This year, unfortunately, also is the year when Roger Federer lost his no 1 ranking. What an athlete? After Sachin Tendulkar, this was the one I had been following for many years. I only realized I almost loved him on the eve of the wimbledon finals 2008,when he lost to Rafael Nadal at twilight. But, yes, what an athlete - moves beautifully around the court, keeps the mind & body relaxed throughtout the game, and what balance, poise & grace. I hope he doesnt go down like this & come back for another spell.

Anyway, back to the day - came back home, had dinner and headed straight for shopping again - this time groceries for the party. By the time we came back home, I was so tired that every part of my body was aching. Just when, I was thinking of relaxing and getting back to the blog, Mrs. Jain came back with the items of decoration. Oh yes, that was one time that was still left. So next hour was spent on decoration. Kabir helped all the way excitedly, though. The end result was real festive.

Well, hope to still catch an episode of Big boss.... seems like I am finally hooked to reality TV after all... and then retire. Tomorrow is going to be even busier. Goodnight all.


Drawat said...

Yesterday went early from office since mass of coleagues have gone to offsite for annual meet apart from us merchants and traders could not check the blog in evening but Mayank does not seem to be buzzing from his chair even to look at contributions let alone send something.

his juices are drying up with age.

mayank sharma said...

i am very much BUzzzzzing in my chair.i am just starting to learn this

Alok your cable wallah providing indian channels or its DTH.

Alok J said...

It's DTH. We have Star network, NDTV, MTV, etc. Big boss, I am watching on internet, though.