Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Balwant Rai Mehta committee-Chapter IX

Kharagbahadur woke up to the chirping of Mynah on the Deodar tree beyond his garden across the street, it was late morning but in Nainital in Decembers are like that only and December 2008 was no different, woe to rains of last evening and the chilly winds somehow were able to penetrate the protected valley.He loved Naintal this time of year, hills stations were clean, hills sides were carpeted green enjoying the idleness after maddening crowd of summer, schools were closed for winter vacations and high court too was enjoying siesta of winters.
Its been five years since he left Chandigarh., life was moving along steadily in Chandigarh..Tony was a good paymaster but restlessness of doing something worthwhile always remained, enrolment in Law faculty of Chandigarh university was a dream come true, running a grilling regime ..he could not believe his eyes when three years later he was the distinction holder in many a papers doubling the joy was lapping up of Kharagbahadur by solicitor firm..”just cause” with pure intention of fighting for any cause which might be just or unjust but justified the fat money which came up with that.He rose up fast in hierarchy with a house in NCR, big car and career zooming up, he was the legal hawk, the back door manipulator, analyst cum risk manager all put together, he was the valued asset justifying all unjust causes of “ Just Cause”.
Padma his mother stayed with Kharag in Noida , Kharag still could not fathom the sadness in his mothers coupled with his own sense of restlessness..he wanted to run away, the move to bureaucracy of Uttranchal government in Law ministry seemed like a blessing , real contentment came up with move to of high court of Uttranchal.Backdoor analysis changed to real court dramas, the theory was practiced by self now, in this era of economic doom..he relentlessely now waged a battle for state, doing a mamooth job of searching/identifying all old leases and land grabbings in state of Uttranchal, taking his professional bearings to status quo of bureaucracy..he was the blue eyed baby of principal secretary law and revenue, the billions worth of land in new era was aiding the government.
Kharag the ever analyst had never out of deference had churned his mind to sadness of his mother, with his energies now more synergized to his being he wanted a solution this uneasiness as well, maybe a Bahu for her solves the problem but girls were never forte of Kharag, he laughed to self remembering Huma.. the Chandigarh girl, how on his scooter that day he had stopped besides her to propose while she walked was really hilarious the way he hopped tagging along the heavy scooter and giving her the card..the disappointing reply of “Sorry I don’t make boyfriends” still could hear clearly, more heartbreaking for him seeing Huma come to Tony’s restaurant with a handsome male in the evening, all he could do was to hide in the shadows.( be contd)
(Purely a work of fiction any resemblance to persons living or dead is incidental)

1 comment:

Alok J said...

Good riddance - Huma!