Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Confessions of born Merchandisers

An article in yet to be published editorial in newsletter, it talks of confessions of one my colleague and is apt for sales personnals:

Fine day god gifted us to this earth we immediately put up a simple structured solutions for our parents….mom lovingly fed us while dad became our most willing cleaner and never have we seen again customers so happy ever. Growing up trial and error further honed up our marketing skills, initially fleecing grandparents for the pocket money on way to the school leaving behind again a set of well satisfied and adoring customers, still in college increased complexity of ‘Growing up’ business threw up challenges which certainly tingled our boiling hormones and growing grey cells, this time as complex as it can get..latest flames’ father finances the happiness of his child in turn feeling good whilst the child finances the surreptitious meetings again fueling the happiness all over….certainly we did get a engaged customers family.
Finally getting hired by Cargill to be paid for a job which came as naturally to us as honking comes to a donkey but never making an ass of ourselves always leaving a trail of devotionally singing customers behind the pied piper

Twinkle! , twinkle! Cargill star,
sometimes we wonder what you are !
making us feel good and high,
Like a fly caught in sweet pie!

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