The first snow of the season came down right on the first weekend of December. Weekends are always great for snow because you don't have to drive to work and fight the traffic and accidents and you can enjoy the snow day the way you want. We started off early at 6 AM with kids all excited to play in the snow. Now, Krishi lives for stuff like this. So he hung around for a long time and forced me to stay as well trying to make snow angels as he had seen on Calliou. Basically you have to lie down and waive your hands in the snow in circular fashion that leaves wings like imprints in the snow.
We came back out in the afternoon with Kabir insisting on making a snow-dog! Having no previous experience to make any kind of snow figure, I tried in vain to make anything out of snow. Youtube saved the day. Basically you have to start by making a small packed ball of wet snow and then start rolling this ball around. When you do that the ball starts becoming bigger all by itself. Pack and round it a little bit and you are in business. So, there you go. I couldn't make a snow dog but did end up with a very cute snow-baby.
In the evening, also ended up going for sledding on the nearby hill. After several trips up and down, it was I who insisted for one more last round while Kabir wanted to go back home.
Overall, it was a great, first snow day of the season.
nice photo!
Its winter here as well quite early for Gurgaon.
r u holding a knife there...Psycho!!!
Yes, it's a letter opener. I thought it would be good practice stabbing. Actually, I used it to make eyeballs and mouth.
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