Look at the fashion trends of trendy small town guys , strutting about in MALL of Nainital in early ninties.
This was our first outing after continous ragging when we joined the Pant Univ and enjoyed the freedom..we did for sure!
Drinking Tibetan CHANG with MOMOs we painted the town red, staying atyouth hostel in upper Nainital..it was friendship at best.
Out of these 4 guys i occasionally meet Bist(One with thatch of hair we called him 'Thatchy') and onec in blue moon talk to Barthwal..rest two others Choudhary (smart one) and Brijwal(The pahari) are lost to me.
God, the baggy pants of yore - high rise (compared to low rise today); broad bag near the thighs (compared to thigh hugging trend now) that fluttered in high wind like a flag; and tight bottoms (compared to boot-cut or bell-bottoms of the day).
What was the name of the tailor on our street. I picked up many fights with him trying to get my bottoms stiched 15-16 inches [he insisted on 13. May be made 13 1/2 if battle became too hot]
Some of you literally look like Al-quaidis on FBI's hit list.
I think I have only met Barthwal (cantt resident?). I remember telling his woeful stories in the dimly lit bar in Mandakini hotel. We also drank neat in his room once at cantt.
by this time parallel had bcome in vogue..not drain pipe mind you..parallel!!!!!
Tailor was 'B U T'
i feel hand stiched with our maintained figures but short hight would be better always.
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