Friday, August 29, 2008
Kids' birthday bash: Day -1
The food is all cooked, already. The only thing left for today is the setup in the backyard. Mainly, we need to setup a volleyball court, and a makeshift gazebo to provide some shade to the guests.
Alright, got to catch Star Voice of India, my favorite show, now. Tomorrow is D-day. I will keep you posted.
Single Point Mooring at Nawanagar
It has taken me more than month to get some one to do car washing here.Normal rates are
two hundred fifty a month for daily cleaning. i was charged hundred rupees for one wash with a take it or leave it attitude.
Siesta times are followed strictly in the market.
There is a big palace of Jam saheb the local King (jadeja).It seems the King decreed the siesta times, followed strictly till date.Because of forts and talaos it's a bit like Rajasthan by the Sea.
Old beautiful temples can be seen around bazaar with old palatial bungalows of District Administrative officials.
Ashapura Maa and Khodiyar Mata (Depicted astride a Crocodile!) are revered deities.
Accident rate on jamnagar -dwarka road can beat all records..Traffic sense is pathetic and
every one after flashing the light seems to get the right of way ..and.. if you have two opposite coming vehicles, flashing their lights.... than ..Bhagawan tera aasra..
Movie review -'Singh is King'
- Its biggest mall of Asia..this is self proclaimed.
- Its spread over a km of length...seems like it if enter from front and have to go to pantaloons which is at the end.
- Its held by single owner and he is a Jat that i do not have any fascination for COW BOYS but parallel to it DLF is coming with MALL OF ASIA and than it would certainly become redundant.
From DLF phase - II you enter the Jaipur highway take a u turn from IFFCO chowk ride over the flyover towards Dhaula Kuan and just before you reach toll plaza there is small u turn again which can be missed and you may end up paying Rs 18/= ride through the traffic and enter the mall, park the car and take straight lift to PVR although we had to take some nappy pads for Bijal so bought them quickly from BIG BAZZAR.
Movie was mindless antics of Surd palyed by Akshay..this guy is handsomest of all operating dudes, while Joshita/seema munched on Popcorns i had feasted my eyes on creamy hands of Katrina ..she's yummy!, movie is very fast paced buffonery and after it all you again get the same feeling as had after Manmohan Desai's masla movies..all empty.Javed Jaffery is better in Takeshi's castle.Over all a good time pass.
Surprise packet was Bijal who sat through whole 2.45 hrs , never slept ..never cried..just smiled..ran from lap to lap ..and growled in her particular way.
Kids' birthday bash: End of Day -2
Did it take my mind off the blog, not really. Well, to some extent, I would say. I continued visiting the blog, even though I knew there won't be any updates. Ajay is away sailing and still has to join the blog, and Dinesh & Mayank were tucked away in their beds. Eventually, I was able to focus in the afternoon and finished off a major chunk of work. It felt good, I tell you.
Left the office at 5ish and headed straight to sports shop. The first item I bought was a volleyball. This has been a hit in the past 2 parties, so I am continuing the tradition. I also bought a tennis hopper. This is a tennis ball cage that can hold 75 balls together and if you turn legs upside down can also be used to pickup the balls. This year has been good (not great) for tennis. We played as much as the time allowed, but we picked up form, unlike last year. We are serving better, and forehand is getting some amount of topspin. Let's not even talk about the backhand. So even though the season is almost over, we decided to buy this to make it a little easier on our backs (picking tha balls).
This year, unfortunately, also is the year when Roger Federer lost his no 1 ranking. What an athlete? After Sachin Tendulkar, this was the one I had been following for many years. I only realized I almost loved him on the eve of the wimbledon finals 2008,when he lost to Rafael Nadal at twilight. But, yes, what an athlete - moves beautifully around the court, keeps the mind & body relaxed throughtout the game, and what balance, poise & grace. I hope he doesnt go down like this & come back for another spell.
Anyway, back to the day - came back home, had dinner and headed straight for shopping again - this time groceries for the party. By the time we came back home, I was so tired that every part of my body was aching. Just when, I was thinking of relaxing and getting back to the blog, Mrs. Jain came back with the items of decoration. Oh yes, that was one time that was still left. So next hour was spent on decoration. Kabir helped all the way excitedly, though. The end result was real festive.
Well, hope to still catch an episode of Big boss.... seems like I am finally hooked to reality TV after all... and then retire. Tomorrow is going to be even busier. Goodnight all.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Kids' birthday bash: Day -2
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Trip to Bihar in May-- non personal goes personal.
The Good the Bad the ugly:
No debates on UGLY, urs truly qualifies for same after 51 hrs stint in 43 degree Celsius but for us GOOD and BAD are like seasons they change for sure, last year Bengani was good this time Malti passes the muster, this is life .
Silence of the Lambs :
You can decipher every kind of Goat variety on MANSI railhead and this is better picture than hogs loitering on DALKOLA station, feeding on our topnotch corn , the bovines must be feeling more than equal with their South Korean counterparts.
For a few dollars more:
Muzzafarpur police catches hold of our vehicle , searches it thoroughly, frisks our body, I muster courage to ask the reason prompt comes reply "…. Babu Naxalvadi prablam chal raha hai"…..i almost faint with all bollywood bihari police excesses coming to mind.
Gold finger :
I had mentioned BUM BUM YADAV, I met the guy at railhead he is eager to start relationship with .........., no ways we can do that but certainly appearances can be deceiving, with eau de cologne applied And smart trousers/shirt he looks easily new era businessman.
The title reminds you of Switzerland , who are real cheese guzzlers, and can have it three times a day… Our Biharis are not behind at all, you can have fried parwal in Breakfast , curried parwal in Lunch and both curried/Fried parwal in Dinner in between although yet to taste may be Parwal Pakodas can come…………………………...NOW IF YOU SHOW ME ANY MORE PARWAL I'LL ACTUALLY SHOOT MYSELF.
That's all from land of hardy/simple people.. Who were learning and trading when our north Indian ancestors still worshipped trees and wore leaf skirts.
Yours truly
Dinesh rawat
Trip to Bangladesh in July..non personal+ personal.
Totally lacking in basics of data, neither supply side or for that matter demand side is clearer, international NGO says the Bangladesh is bound to produce ............tonnes of coarse cereals this year which essentially means ....., trade circles dispute same and would like to put it across as ..............tonnes, the demand which can easily be traced to .............tonnes annualised at its peak but certainly the cyclone and bird flu pushed back the demand by atleast ...............tonnes, it’s a fact corroborated by almost miniscule ............from Indian borders.
Infrastructure in form of national highway albiet bit narrow but is excellent connecting Dhaka to all up north counties ,trip to these areas is manouvering the vehicle through mass of humanity which is all pervading in Bangladesh rarely you get the lonely stretches but out of Dhaka suburbs and past the textile units to be precise stitching/sewing factories you suddenly find yourself in green heaven, miles of paddy fields and submerged lands surrounded by hutments and thick foliage around, to emphasise all rural is totally ethreal and all urban a big slum .
Bogra :
This place by River Jamuna or Brahmputra for us in India is a big commerce centre of north Bangladesh, warehousing infrastructure is there and ............have kept the material there, they have tried to follow best practices of ..............and have atleast suceeded in copying the quality strictness of ....................., few inputs were added by me to them.
Jalal is a big trader and has good control of supplies.Jalal has kept one Mr Dass as broker to interact with long line of traders.Rafique in rural areas has good network his new jeans showed signs of prosperity brought by Corn.
Dinajpur (Pronounced Dinejpur):
The area bordering the Indian Dinajpur, is excellent maize growing area and big trading centre for this as well, big warehousing is available and quite a few poultry players stock material here.
Rangpur (Pronounced Roangpur):
Excellent maize growing area and its biggest trader Navin(Pronounced Nobeen) Kumar Saha is shrewd Bengali bania.
Being a good stocking point one of the largest organised trader in poultry biz Trade Excel has its warehousing locations here.
Lalmonirhat :
Area bordering Coochbehar in west bengal northest area, has good smuggling points, Ram babu roy trades from here and interacts with bigger traders like Trade excel and Jalal through Mr Dass.
How does domestic grain trade operates in Bangladesh or the value chain
No set market yards , no taxes , no records this sums up the story of Bangladesh corn trade.
Farmers produce corn and bring it in Rickshaws (That's national carrier) to Chattal owners---- Chattal is a flat cemented piece of land which is most valued in Bangladesh, hardly any flat, dry pieces of land are available , its seen to be believed that this small piece of land is so valued that every chattal owner is the consolidator be it of Corn/Paddy or whatever comes…. Well this almost true for Bihar as well where farmers bring the produce on highways to dry it fast.
Communities are divided and mutual suspicion is all pervading(Its not a political statement I make here but more related to geography and demography and having commercial implications…please do not mind) that is why community specific brokers…these things were not told by anyone including .......................but is obvious.
Chittagong (Pronounced chatgaon):
Port town in most idyllic location and maintained in worst form, you have bay of bengal kissing slopping hills thickly planted with swaying euclayptus.
Only feeder vessels come into port.
Bulk vessels have anchorage port.
Private container yards are available with excellent facilities
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pokka - the pukka coffee !!

Monday, August 25, 2008
The beginning
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